My posts are no longer regular. I have been so busy with work and other things in my life which have taken all of my free time and left very little time for hair blogging. I am still taking care of my hair. I just don't have the time to document it properly.
Here are the only two photos I took of my hair when I relaxed in February. I can't remember how many weeks post I was when I last relaxed. I didn't take a lot of photos on that day as I had just recently gotten braces and was too uncomfortable to do much.
I relaxed my hair and then blow-dried it straight. I didn't bother to flat iron. I cross wrapped it and the next morning took this photo. I feel like my shorter pieces are finally growing out which is something I am really happy about. I may choose to stop cutting the back at this point and let the back section reach BSB and stay at that length until the front of my hair reaches that length.
Here's a shot of what my hair looked like in June 2012:
The back section of my hair hasn't changed significantly in length during the past year as I kept cutting it while allowing the front to grow out. I am really excited about the change in the health of my hair. I really struggled in 2011/2012 with my hair and things have really started to go well.
My goal for September 2013 is blunt BSB hair. The back of my hair is just an inch away from BSB (and will probably be at that length by my next relaxer), the rest now ranges in length from a little past SL to APL (except for my permanent bang area which remains a struggle for me). Looking at old photos, I realised I was able to grow out that section, so I will focus on doing that again.
I will give myself another six months to get to BSL which is the same as MBL for me as I have a short torso.
I hope to be at BSL/MBL in March 2014 and once I get to that length, WL is just 3 inches away, so the goal is WL by September 14. If I can only make it to blunt BSB by September, then I will be on my way to meeting my other goals.
My next relaxer will be on May 18th.