Here are a few facts about my hair
Hair Type:
My hair is a fine 4b. It is also a VI and in some areas a VII according to the Mizani Hair Typing Chart.
You can click the photo to be directed to the Mizani Website for more information on their hair typing system.
Current state:
I am chemically processed. I do not relax my hair bone-straight, so I consider myself to be "texlaxed." I do this so that my hair can have some thickness and body to it as a bone-straight relaxer, in my opinion, is not best for fine hair.
Relaxer and schedule:
I use the Organic Root Stimulator Olive Oil No-Lye Relaxer in Normal and I relax anywhere from 12 to 24 weeks.
Date I started my Hair Journey:
January 31, 2009
Hair Goals:
I suffered a major setback in 2011 so I am regrowing my hair. My short term goal is Below Shoulder Blade Length (BSB), my medium term goal is Mid Back Length (MBL) which is also Bra Strap Length (BSL) as I wear my bra low. My ultimate goal is Waist Length (WL). I hope to achieve my ultimate goal in two years.
I have two posts which show you what happened to my length. You can view them here and here. I cut my hair back to SL in January 2012 and restarted my hair journey.
I have two posts which show you what happened to my length. You can view them here and here. I cut my hair back to SL in January 2012 and restarted my hair journey.