Sorry I have been MIA for so long from the blog. I have been focusing my energies on things other than my hair of late. My major issue that has been occupying my time is my battle with chronic acne for the past decade. I developed acne at age 21 after escaping it during the teenage years. Ten years later and I have good years and bad years. My focus has been on treating it while at the same time no longer using prescription medication.
So on to the hair, I have not been neglecting my hair. I continue to care for it even though it has been a real struggle for me. Retention of my length is my major challenge. This leads me to believe that my regimen is not working and I am making some changes.
First of all, my beloved Nexxus Conditioner is not working for my hair anymore. Nexxus went and changed the formula and my hair HATES it. I am still seeking out the perfect conditioner that both provides the right mix of protein and moisture at the same time.
I am also doing what helped me to get to grazing BSL in the early days of my journey-using glycerin based moisturisers. I had a love-hate relationship with S-Curl so I opted to try Care Free Curl and I must say, I am in love with it. I moisturise with it and seal with shea butter and I have seen a drastic reduction in breakage. I am currently in the middle of a stretch and will do a proper update sometime in January when I texlax my hair.
Sometimes I feel a bit down when I think of where my hair could/should be after all these years on my hair journey and then I remembered, I told God I wanted waist length hair on my wedding day. So maybe I will make WL when I texlax my hair just before my wedding day. After all, I am still single and given that I have a short torso, if I could get my hair back on track, I could go from APL to WL in about a year. So maybe it's not my time yet for either one of those things. Wouldn't that be funny. God does have a sense of humour after all . . .