Sunday, June 17, 2012

Taking it one week at a time: Week 9

I have just completed Week 8 of my stretch and I am 3 days into Week 9. My gosh! I can no longer comb my hair. Literally all I can do is wash my hair, detangle under the shower, moisturise and seal and cross wrap it while it is still damp. It is dry the next morning, my ends are straight and my new growth lays flat for about a day. By the time it starts getting out of control, I wash it once more. I am rocking it the way it is. I can't do anything else.

My goal is to stretch for 12 weeks but at this point I am just taking it one week at a time. If my hair was not fine, I would so relax right now.

I hope you can tell the difference between my airdried texlaxed strands and my new growth. My new growth does not have the shine of my texlaxed strands and appears denser in the photo. If you notice, then you will see why I am experiencing my current difficulties. This is what I have grown in 8 weeks which is unbelievable to me. Just a year or two ago, I didn't have half of this growth at 10 weeks. These are photos of the back of my hair which has a looser texture than the front.

I can see my hair is growing, let's hope I am retaining the ends of my hair.

1 comment:

  1. Hey are u familiar with darcy's botanicals?... u should try their transitioning cream, i use it on my new growth after i wash my hair and condition my hair... its 99% natural, and contains behentrimonium methosulfate which is a detangler ... i recommend it& it is available in trinidad... i use it as my main moisturizer too. If you are willing to try it, its available @ valrosa ltd u can check out their FB page :) you can also look into conditioners than have this ingredient high up on the list to help u detangle during your wash routine ... its 'cousin' is bentrimoniun chloride but i personally prefer, behentrimonim methosulfate... good luck, i can truly understand your plight.


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